Birth Trauma


1 in 5 birthing parents will experience a perinatal mood and anxiety disorder after giving birth. Being previously diagnosed with infertility or having had difficulties with trying to conceive naturally can increase these chances. With infertility being a topic that is not often discussed publicly, clients experience a lot of shame, guilt and isolation. Their self-esteem, romantic relationships, and mental health are significantly impacted by this medical diagnosis.

Presented by Keisha Reaves, LPC, PMH-C, CPCS


SKU: BMMH-1-2 Category:


When & Where: Friday, September 8, 2023

3032 Briarcliff Road, NE

Atlanta, GA 30329-2655

Time: 10:00a-3pm

CEs Included: 5 CEUs

Location: 3032 Briarcliff Road, NE • Atlanta, GA 30329-2655

Investment:  $120 Before July 15th, $135 after

Presented by: Keisha Reaves, LPC, PMH-C, CPCS, (see bio below)

‘Birth trauma’ is defined if the birthing parents feels distressed during and/or after childbirth. It can be defined as physical, emotional and/or psychological trauma. Birth trauma not only impacts how a birthing parent may feel about their birthing experience, but it also can increase their chances of experiencing any perinatal mood and anxiety disorder as well as how they bond with their baby. In this training, we will examine the most common situations of birth trauma, interventions and coping skills to assist a client who’s seeking therapy after having experienced birth trauma, and much more.